Little things.

Today I got an email from BM, “hey how are you” it began as most do. I responded “Good thanks, you?” But in the back of my mind I thought “oh no, what’s wrong?”
Her response after our initial greetings was regarding a drawing my stepdaughter had made at kindy class. She was asked to draw her family and had drawn 2 nests representing her 2 homes. One with her nests was a stick figure of her mummy and her teddy. The other, daddy and myself. This. Made. My. Day.
I have so many special moments with her. I want to be someone she admires and looks up to. I couldn’t believe she, at 4, actually does. And how lucky am I to have her mummy shares this with me?
She thinks I am so important I should be in a family picture, god bless her!
As a stepmum, sometimes it is the smallest thing in the world that makes me feel content and my heart full. Just this one little drawing made me feel that I am doing a great job, a job I take so seriously and put my whole heart into. I am thankful it is valued by the two most important people in my stepdaughters life, her daddy and mummy. It’s not that she hasn’t shown this in other ways, the kisses, cuddles and I love you always remind me, this just came as huge surprise to me, this child has so much love in her. I am glad we have been able to provide her with a loving nest like her mum, she feels is home too.
I can’t wait to give her a big cuddle tomorrow.

3 thoughts on “Little things.

  1. Having been a step-mum twice, the first time at only 19, I can empathise with all that you say and hope that I was as good at being an “other” mum as you are clearly doing. Little-ones know when they are loved and your step-child clearly shows this by ensuring you were included in the family picture. Beautiful! Your writing is so full of love and maturity.

  2. That is great! Those moments are so special and they do make it all worth it. It is clear that you are making a great impact on your stepdaughter and that is inspiring!

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